Basket Tips
Think Outside of the Basket
A-tisket, a-tasket, think outside the basket! Your basket donation doesn’t have to be in a traditional “basket”. Think bags, buckets, bins, bowls, coolers, colanders, caboodles, hampers, toolboxes, wagons…ALL sorts of containers can be used to hold your goodies! Think about what kind of items you plan on filling your “basket” with. Do you need something…
Read MoreHow to Wrap your Raffle Basket
Now that you have your Raffle Basket ready for donation, it’s time to wrap things up! But making your basket look presentable can be tricky. With a few simple tools and some creative ideas, you can make your raffle basket look like a pro! Before you get started, you’ll need to gather a few basic…
Read MoreTips for Choosing a Raffle Basket Theme & Other Helpful Info
About the Basket Raffle Our Basket Raffle is the highlight of our year. Its purpose is to spread awareness by sharing brain cancer stories through themed baskets that are created to honor survivors or in memory of those who have passed. But it’s so much more than just a fundraiser or playing a game to…
Read MoreHow to Fill out a Basket Info Sheet
Thank you for your interest in donating a Brain Buddie Basket for our Annual Basket Raffle! A Basket Info Sheet form is required for each raffle basket donation. A Basket Info Sheet is used to identify your basket during the raffle. It lets others know who donated the basket, what goodies are waiting inside and…
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