Reflecting on 15
This date 15 years ago was a TUESDAY. The night before the big surgery. I had been waiting for 2 weeks since I was first told I had a baseball size mass in my brain that needed to be removed. So Sept. 2 1998 was the big day. In my mind I…
Read MoreIF ONLY FOR ONE (simple stories of how each day sharing a simple act of kindness makes a difference)
I have some catching up. Last week at my quarterly oncology appt. and scan review I was running a few minutes behind and so the story goes. Scan was unchanged and stable. YES! Happy Dance. I was leaving my appt. and I see a girl in the waiting room with a BRAIN CANCER stinks shirt…
Read MoreMore stories of THE BRAIN TUMOR JOURNEY to come
Hello Brain Buddies, I am excited to let you know that I am taking the steps to start communicating more. I will be posting here through my blog, email and a monthly newsletter. I will of course be sharing my IF ONLY FOR ONE stories. If only for one person or family if only…
Read MoreJoin us March 18th 2012 for NBTS Phoenix Walk
Fellow Brain Buddies can sign up here for the 2012 Brain Tumor Walk It will be held at Kiwanis Park in Tempe, Arizona. As always, it will prove to be a successful event and I hope you all can join in.
Read MoreGray Matters 4th Annual Night with the Diamondbacks
Let’s play ball! It is that time of year again, time for the Gray Matters 4th Annual Night with the Diamondbacks! Tuesday, April 17 @ 6:40pm Diamondbacks vs. Pittsburgh Pirates Lower-Level bullpen seating** Tickets $15 each ( the dbacks are donating a portion of each ticket to the foundation Chase Field 401 East Jefferson Street…
Read MoreBright and Cheerful: Gray Matters Foundation Launches New Home on the Web
GLENDALE, AZ – (September 24) – The Gray Matters Foundation, the Arizona-based nonprofit organization dedicated to the support and encouragement of brain tumor patients and their loved ones through personal outreach and contact, announced today the launch of its newly designed website at
Read MoreFormal Recognition for Brain Tumor Awareness Month
The U.S. House of Representatives passed House Resolution 1124 (H.Res. 1124) on May 21, 2008 and officially expressed the sense of the Congress that a National Brain Tumor Awareness Month should be established.
Read MoreGray Matters Founder Featured on Local News
Lanette Veres, Founder & President of the Gray Matters Foundation, was profiled as part of the “Positively Arizona!” feature of television station KPHO. The show spotlights “Valley Residents Making a Positive Influence” and Lanette’s work to support brain tumor patients is featured. Lanette is shown creating one of her signature gift card envelope – decorated…
Read MoreGray Matters Foundation Launches to Bring Smiles to Brain Tumor Survivors
New nonprofit, 501(c)(3) group aims to bring hope through support GLENDALE, AZ – (March 28) -Colorful postcards, bright and fanciful stickers and cheerfully decorated packages are welcomed by just about everyone. But for brain tumor patients and their loved ones they carry a special message of joy and hope when they are from the new…
Read MoreGray Matters Foundation Receives 501(c)(3) Designation
We are proud to announce that the IRS has granted the Gray Matters Foundation tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, effective November, 2007. Our application was approved after only a short 8-week period and we believe it is because our mission is such an important one to the community and brain tumor patients. All…
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