Thankful Thursday

THANKFUL THURSDAY:  I can’t thank @E Joyce Rend Webb enough.  She was the brain buddie  who requested I be featured in the Card Maker Magazine back in 2011. The really cool part of this story was she’d  been making and donating cards to the foundation in memory of her dear friend  who had passed from a brain tumor as a way of giving back.  We would soon learn that I was friends and worked on fundraisers with the adult children of her friend.  We had no idea of the connection until after the article.  When I was featured  in the magazines REACH OUT PROGRAM I started receiving so many beautiful cards it allowed me to expand my card sending far more than I could have imagined .   Since 2011 I have established a few lasting relationships with some of my first card makers and they have continued to bless me with cards and  some even supply me with the stamps to mail them.   I even had bloggers sharing the story requesting donors to supply stamps to help cover postage cost.  Postage-shipping is our biggest expense and Embelished-hand crafted cards increase the cost of shipping.  Stamp donations really made a difference.  Now Spring 2016 the magazine choose to feature the foundation again and the cardmakers stepped right up.  The cards and personal stories along with the boxes with why they are helping  is my confirmation- I am to KEEP ON DOING WHAT I AM DOING.  I am so blessed and each BRAIN BUDDIE receiving the card feels loved.  I will post photos  of the cards soon they are all so beautiful.  Today I want to say  THANK YOU TO ALL of the cardmakers and to  Card Makers Magazine for featuring me as their spring REACH OUT RECIPENT